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Message From the Honorary President

Hare Krishna!

As an expression of gratitude, I would like to appreciate the selfless service of the FFLN team. I wish to thank everyone who participates actively for their divine quality of compassion, especially the kind ones who shared their wealth to feed the hungry children and support their education.

Wherever there is “Compassion,” there is “Dignity.” This we could feel every day. Even today, there are so many challenges, but the necessities get fulfilled, problems get solved, new hands join daily, and it gets better and better. Even though we don’t have normal means of financial sustainability, by divine arrangements, so many pious souls are willing to contribute and make a collective effort to run it.

This program combines many human qualities such as compassion, dedication, honesty, and love for others. With this collective effort, the lives of so many children have changed. The students can sit peacefully in their classes and obtain a proper education. Children make up one-third of Nepal’s population, and by taking good care of them, we can imagine the positive effect on our society in the coming future. So, I would like to thank from the depth of my heart all the staff, board members, corporate donors, individual contributors, and well-wishers of FFLN for their sincere effort to bring about the social transformation in the lives of so many children and their families. My sincere thanks to the Nepal Government officials and Japanese Embassy officials for their generous support.

We hope that this MISSION OF COMPASSION may embrace everyone.

Thank you very much.

Patri Das
Co- Regional Secretary, ISKCON Nepal
Honorable President, Food for Life Nepal
Member, United Nations Religious Initiative (URI)